Tuesday, March 24, 2015

You have to live with the consequences of your decisions, so learn from your mistakes and think before you act

Decision-making requires an open approach that encompasses all aspects, an attitude that looks at every perspective and a broad vision that considers every possibility no matter how big or small it is. In short, there are neither shortcuts nor easy formulas for right decision-making.
So what does decision-making means? When we have to do something, but we are not sure of how, and what to do, we stand at the crossroads of decision-making. The key to making a wise decision is the ability to select the right course of action and ask the right questions. Once we figure out the right path, it becomes necessary for us to find out the meaningful answers to crucial questions for being able to make a wise decision. When it becomes a matter of our own lives, we need to gather up the courage to take decisions on our own. Is it possible to decide the best decision for us if we place the decision-making process in the hands of others? And if we place the right of decision-making in hand of others, for how long we can ask others to guide us for the right decision? Eventually, we have to learn making decisions by our own selves as the life is too long, and we cannot depend on others.
It is of pivotal importance that we keep a keen insight into right decision making in each choice we make. There are several aspects of our day to day lives wherein we need to select the best between various choices. What we want to be as an adult, a doctor, an engineer, a designer or a writer? What we have to study in school, science or arts? Which types of clothes are good for us, considering the society we live in besides the fashion and glamor?
Is it good for us to be single or having family will be better for us? What type of life partner should we have? Is it good to be in business or to work a job? Whether it is good to be an employee or an employer? What is best the choice in renting an apartment, getting house on mortgage or purchasing our own home on full payment? What should we eat for lunch? Whatever we choose it ultimately determines how we live and what kind of lives we should have.
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