Saturday, March 21, 2015

Does this sound familiar to you?

Do you find yourself questioning your decisions on different occasions - especially when it comes to life’s important decisions?
Do you sometimes wonder why am I changing my mind when I know that I am capable of making my own decisions?
Do you find yourself feeling ‘I am sure’ in one moment and in the very next moment you find yourself wondering ‘am I really sure’?
Do you find yourself having a conversation with yourself as if you are speaking with another person?
Do you sometimes feel thrilled to wake up one morning and the next morning hate to get out of your bed?
Do you start an important task that normally takes you ten to fifteen minutes to finish, but now your find it hard to complete or you keep on wondering whether I am doing this correctly?
Do you allow petty things or selfish people to annoy you when normally you are calm and compassionate?
Do you find yourself doing or sharing things with others that are normally unlike you?
Do you find yourself smiling during the day for big reasons just to want to frown a little later the very same day without any reason?
Do you find hurting yourself most of the time thinking of miserable pasts when you should have come out of it by now and enjoy the life to its fullest?
Do you find yourself using unnecessary energy to try to fight battles not worth fighting when normally you know how to pick and choose?
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