Tuesday, March 24, 2015

How to know if you are a Fast-Food Junky and How to kick your Fast-Food Habit.

When it comes to physical addictions, most people, usually, think about alcohol, cigarettes, gambling, and drugs. After doing a lot of research, I learned that I too suffered the same addiction. Not the addition of an alcoholic or a drug user, but I discovered my addiction to fast food. I knew I had to stop being in denial and accept the fact before it turns late. I had to accept ultimately that I was a fast food junky.
The word ‘Junky’ is defined as ‘Someone who is hopelessly or ardently devoted to a controlled substance’. More often this ‘devotion’ resembles an addiction. It is not easy to recognize whether you are a fast-food junky or not, but once you have unleashed the secret, it’s time to have a reality check. There are several ways to know if you are a fast food junky: Does your morning routine include a fast food stop for breakfast on your way to work? Do you grab a quick bite from fast-food during your lunch break? Do you keep a packet of junk food at your desk or in your bag to munch on when hunger strikes? Do you pick up a fast-food item on your way home from work, so you don’t have to go home and make dinner? Does your mind always crave for the delicious fast-food you carelessly gobble up? If your answer to any or all of these questions is ‘yes’, it is hence proved that you are a fast-food junky.
Sticking on to this fast-food dominant routine can make your mind and body wholly dependent on a high-calorie diet. Now that your body is addicted to fast-food, you experience late night cravings that prompt you to get in your car and drive to the closest fast-food eat out. But being in denial of your persuasive addiction, you keep telling yourself that you are just getting something to eat to cope up with the hunger. I had all these signs. If you too experience most or all of these factors, then you are a fast-food junky by all means. My in-depth study of fast-food shows that continuous fast-food consumption has strong positive association with weight gain and insulin resistance, suggesting that fast-food addiction increases the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes. Through my experience, I have been able to deduce that breaking a food habit is not easy, but surely possible. It not easy because fast food is readily available, and some fast-food centers are open 24/7. In addition, fast food comprises primarily of unhealthy fats and calories, which are additive in nature.
Continue Reading: http://pammorris.hubpages.com/hub/How-to-know-if-you-are-a-Fast-Food-Junkyhubpagescomhub

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