Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The hardest thing in life is to know which bridge to cross and which to burn?

Reaching an intellectual decision in life is not always easy. The sudden encounter with a dilemmatic situation often forces us towards a tough decision of choosing between burning a bridge and trying to mend it. Along the lane of the decision-making process, we often find our priorities misplaced. The distinction and the familiarity of the bridges we encounter in life often cohearse our thoughts in the process. Nonetheless, it is of great importance that we learn not to burn an already built bridge having used it to cross over into life and forgetting that a coin has two sides; the head and tail.
Never Burning Bridges – A Misconception
Who theorized the illegality of burning bridges? I thus present an opposition in regard to not burn a bridge in life. Through this travel of life, everyone needs to know and understand the bridges to keep and those to dispose. The indication drives to create a wall between you and the perilous characters in your life and hence burning down or destroying the unnecessary bridges. In short, the bridges, which lead to the tunnel, need to do away with lest it becomes your funeral during its destruction. The view of life should be through a windshield and not a rear view mirror because the true concept of the living is looking forward from the present and not backward.
Be who you are
One needs to create an allowance for his/her life to gain a pace in prioritizing the various life components in order to make sense on the bridges to destroy and those to keep. The destruction of bridges is irreversible with complete surety of the non-existence of a back road to the previous state. Since the burning of a bridge is a step at a time, the power to revitalize yourself is on you, with an additional complement of becoming your true self. The bottom-line is, the destruction of a bridge terminates all your connections to the previous world you used to dwell in, and even a quick glance at the past is uncalled for.
You are the final decision maker of your life as it is a grant to you and you alone, but in the process of making a decision, the timing should be of great importance when deciding when to burn and when not to burn a bridge. During the declaration of an important decision, it is you who calls the shot and most importantly, the control of your life decisions. The past is not a session of mourning as it is the past, and the present is a chance to create the future that glances upon a better past. The dilemma of burning or preserving a bridge needs to be the only task at hand. The difference needs to be now, lest you get stuck forever with the feeling of ‘did I do something wrong?’Your mind needs to have confidence towards the decisions you make lest you end up burying yourself in a bottomless pit. It is, therefore, wise to remember which bridge to burn and which bridge to preserve after you cross over needless be you end up regretting your decision.
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