Thursday, March 19, 2015

Who Am I? (Lady Alexandria) I’m me, discovering me, on my Journey

I am not perfect. I made a lot of mistakes in life, but I’m happy to be me. I made good as well as bad decisions and wrong choices, but I am honest, loving and happy because I’m me. I used to sometimes talk when I should be listening; however, I learned to know when to speak and when to be quiet. I never try to be anything that I am not and I am not here to impress anyone, who am I, I’m me, discovering me, on my journey.
I can be me and only me, I don’t try to be anyone else. No more, no less and I don’t wonder or have any second guesses of who I am. I know who I am. I know how to love, laugh, live and cry at the right times. I try to be exactly what I show and what you see, at the beginning and the end of each day. I don’t pretend, lie, strive or desire to be anybody else. I was born, raised to be exactly who I am, what you see each and every day that’s who I am, if you care to know my name, it Pamela Morris and I’m me, discover me, on my journey.
I am my mother’s daughter. The imagine of who she was, how she raised me, to strive to fight to stand firm, and if I fall get back up and be all I can be. My mother still and always will be my biggest fan, and I’m proud to say she was somebody dear to me, very special as well as strong. I've got friends that know where things stand when I need anything, and they know just where I stand whenever anything goes wrong. So when I made a mistake they know just how to help me understand that nothing can change who I am, It's all a part of who I am because I'll be alright, nothing can change who I am, I’m still discovering me, I’m me, on my journey.
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