Monday, March 23, 2015

The Advice I Would Give to My Younger Self If I Could

Growing up was particularly difficult for me. I was unable to play freely outside as other children were, and I developed poor self-esteem. The only two places I was truly free to go to were school and church. Do not misunderstand me, I love attending church and “don’t nobody” love God as much as I do. Being honest, however, it is not as much fun from the perspective of a young child. Because I spent most of my time inside, I had to find ways to entertain myself inside the house. I developed a very creative imagination.
By the time I reached middle school, I was learning how to interact with other children my own age. I began, slowly, to develop better self-esteem. I had the best mother you could ask for. She always paid attention to that developing self-esteem and always knew how to make everything better. She taught me to be conscientious about my appearance. She taught me how to fold my dress when I sat down. Most of all, she shared with me her wisdom. She taught me to “always love who and what you are.” I understood that it is great to love someone else, but it is even better when you love yourself.
I didn’t know then everything that I know today, but I always knew that someday I would have children. Now that I do, I want to be as patient and loving to them as my mother was with me. I want to be there for them in their times of need, just as my mother was there for me. I want to let them know that it will be okay when they feel afraid, and teach them to always take one day at a time so that life does not consume them.
As a child, we see life as fun and games, rather than as it really is. As an adult, I have learned that life is really like a boomerang. We throw our best effort out there and nobody really knows how it will return. Most people hope life will bring them an attractive spouse with money, a nice big house, and a nice big car. Sometimes, though, that is not what the boomerang brings back. Life doesn’t work that way. Life is what we make of it.
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