Monday, March 23, 2015

Life is like a Jigsaw Puzzle Which Can Only Fit Together by Walking on the Path Laid Out by God

As we begin life journey there are so many different paths we have to travel. So it’s best we start planning accordingly on which specific path to follow to gain instant success. Moreover, various aspects of life often appear to be so many puzzle pieces to us and in life’ puzzle pieces it can be very hard to figure out where to place the pieces. Often this makes us shuffle and reshuffle those puzzles to get a proper answer. By continuous shuffling, we place those mysteries of life in the right places and in the end get an answer to each of those which appeared to be a puzzle at one point of life.
Although life’s puzzle starts when the first piece is put in place and the puzzle pieces are sort by colors. After working on different sections of the puzzle and can’t find the piece to complete that particular section. Hours and hours of shuffle and shuffle the pieces trying to fit can be very frustrating. After shuffling the pieces finally, the pieces start to fall into place.
Diverse phases of life create lots of puzzles in life. Each part of life’s puzzle represents life’s experience: loss of first tooth, first day of school, graduation, first job, first true love, first born, first car, first new home, and day commit to God, first vacation etc. We go on adding mysteries and puzzle pieces to the each day of our lives. We gather the pieces of the puzzle to life each day we live, it’s not easy to see how to fit each piece together. Some people start the puzzle by doing the outside pieces first, some start in the middle, some start from the bottom and the other starts from the top, while some start with the edges me I just take one piece at a time. I learn patient is a virtue and life experience is a guide to adulthood and a new way of life. In addition, it’s a roadmap toward growth and a real and lasting life.
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