Wednesday, March 25, 2015

What is the difference between Love and Friendship?

Love and friendship are two different terms but can be related to each other. Love is a warm feeling that brings emotional attachment towards a person in which only two individuals are involved. Friendship is voluntarily closeness in which an individual always tries to be there for the need that endure social relationship between two or more persons. An individual can have many friends where a person has one person they truly love. Most people know feeling of affection and solicitude towards a person, but do not know how to distinguish the difference between friendship and Love. Although friendship and Love can bring about confusion while explaining the two their a thin line that separates love from friendship or friendship from love.
A friend will always be there for another while a lover will give up everything just to be with another. A friend will wait for another for many hours before sharing complaints and ready to go while a lover will wait for another patiently for an eternity and not complain but worry with concern. Friendship and Love can sometimes give the same signals, but in reality there are so very differences. The most important difference is a friend think and share one day at a time with a friend while a lover think about each day, tomorrow and the future and think about planning the future with the one they love.
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