Sunday, March 22, 2015

How can a Mother overcome hurt of a Broken Heart while loving and caring for her child?

A broken heart is something almost everyone has experienced at least once in his/her lifetime. But there is no hurt or pain a person could ever go through like that of a mother when she tries to care and love her child and while handling her child’s wrong doings. I believe once a mother, always a mother, but after many disappointments there comes a time when a mother has to finally take care of herself as she takes care of her child. As mothers, we deal with a lot of hurt and stress too often that causes a broken heart which can at times be very severe. This hurt could ultimately lead to regret or tragic circumstances, consuming a mother’s life if she doesn’t resist it. However, with the right treatment and advice there is hope to mend a broken heart and make any mother live as a whole again.
While facing a few difficult times with my own children, I've discovered that thousands of mothers are similarly dealing with agonizing heartaches and pain. I feel blessed and take pleasure in sharing my own experience. I take pride in telling that now many of my pains are limited, and most of them are over. Through my learning of how to make peace with my children’s dealings, my advice to a broken hearted mother is that if you find yourself in heartbreak for endless number of times, all mothers must make peace with what is going on with their child. At the very least, respect the effort and cherish every moment you spend with your child. I learned to do that through prayer, practicing patience and understanding. I came to the realization and made peace with what was going on with my children and learned to treasure every moment we shared.
How to overcome hurt from a broken heart?
Firstly, spend some time in prayer on a regular basis. This will help you in analyzing the mistakes you make while trying to cope with your child’s ill behavior or bad deeds. Secondly, help your child realize that their activities haven’t been up to the mark, and continue to show love but firm love. Thirdly, get involved with other mothers by joining a support team (trustworthy church-going mothers). Last but not the least, never give up hope, never speak rudely or shower negative words on your child even when it seems like things are getting worse. This requires considerable control over anger and managing the situation tactfully. Always stay positive, try not to think about what wrong has the child done, and don’t make an issue of what the child did although this might hurt you. Make peace with what the child did and start doing things with the child that you both love doing. It could be anything, like bowling, watching TV, singing, dancing, etc. This will show that you love them, which would in turn keep your communication line open to maintain a loving relationship thereby.
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