Tuesday, March 31, 2015

My Prayer Today:Thanking Jesus For Everything

Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus not asking for anything. But thanking you in advance for everything. Command the enemy to flee. Place him under our feet. Cancel every assignment. Erase self-doubt. Go to every house. Lord God, send healing, deliverance and provision in our time of need. Father you know what it is we need.
Meet every need in your provision. Let us not lose trust in Your Divine Providence. Dispatch your angels to protect us. We are covered by the blood of Jesus. I come against every lying tongue that rise against us shall not prosper. We are more than conquerors.
The race isn’t given to the swift, battle to the strong, but to those who will endure. Bless your name Lord. Father, I thank you for brand new grace and mercies. Thank you for waking us up on this side of heaven. Thank you for loving and blessing us. Your love endures forever.
Lord, help us to recognize and discern when people come into our life they are there to perfect us, because they are not perfect. You will make our way perfect. God, I thank you for perfecting in them and me, in the midst of our trials even when we cannot see. The Spirit of Holiness that dwell within me. Send fresh anointing as we make our way. Lord Jesus, have your way in this place today. Father God I thank you, glorify you, and magnify your name.
I pray this prayer, in Jesus name. Amen.
Whew…. Now I feel better! Praise the Lord.
Be blessed! –JD

Word of wisdom: Look forward to the future & stop looking back

Worry looks around, Fears looks back, Faith looks up, Guilt looks down, But I look forward

Monday, March 30, 2015

Today Prayer: Thank you Lord for the gift of life & wonderful G+ Friends

Dear Lord, as I thank you for the gift of life, I also thank you for the wonderful people I have met along this journey. Some of them inspire me, stretch me, challenge me, love me & encourage me all of them helped me realize how meaningful & beautiful my life is.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Word of wisdom: Life is limited so don't waste it

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life and don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. Most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.” —Steve Jobs

Today Prayer:Thank you for another day

Dear God, I just wanted to say thank you for another day. Watch over my family and friends today. Bless us in a way we're never known before. Amen

Saturday, March 28, 2015

What Children Experience and How to Focus on teaching them to Enjoy the Experience of a Childhood?

Childhood is one of the most memorable times in everyone’s childhood. Some people have good and positive experiences with their childhood while some of the people have the worst experience with it. There are a number of factors that contribute to the right or wrong experiences of people with their childhoods. Some of these factors have been explained below:
  • Environment of the family
Family environment plays a significant role in giving a good or bad experience with any child. Sometimes children have so strong environment around them that they get entertained and enjoy their childhood in an accurate manner. In some cases, it is up to the children to make their childhood memorable. It is only possible when they follow all the rules and regulations and fulfill all the activities in time. For an example, they should go to their school regularly and perform all related work before doing any other activity. This is one of the important factors that contribute towards experiences of the childhood.
  • Attitudes of the parents
Parent’s attitudes and interests also play a significant role in providing good experiences to the children. If they are really focused on the children future, they will show concern and give a bright childhood to their children. They spend money on minor needs and wants of their children without noticing their needs or compromising their own wishes. It also gives a good experience of childhood to the children. In some cases, parents do not care about what their children want to hence spoil the children of their future. It is crucial that parents should focus on the needs of their children and have a positive attitude towards their children.
  • Friends circle
The circle of friends also plays a vital role in building a better experience of childhood. As we all know that a person is known by the company, he keeps. If the friends of the children are good, then, they can enjoy a healthy childhood. In early ages, children don’t have the sense to make good friends so the parents and teachers should help the children to choose their friends so that they can enjoy their best childhood.
  • Types of experiences of childhood
There are different experiences faced by the children in their childhood. Some children face good experience while some face bad experiences of childhood. All the above-mentioned factors contribute equally to determining the right or wrong experience of childhood.
  • Positive experiences of childhood
The positive experience of childhood is usually expressed by good personality and future. Sometimes children with good experience of childhood go brighter in their futures and have fun. They don’t know how to deal with the situations carefully. Such children are used to getting the ease and pleasure throughout their early stage and get addicted to the same condition. If their parents are so rich and afford this all, then they will have no issues or problems in the future life.
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Today Prayer: Let go of any and everything that stand to hold you back

Father in heaven, Today I choose to release everything that has tried to hold me back. I release the past; I release bitterness; I release failures and missed opportunities. Instead, I embrace your grace and power to boldly move forward with the blessing you have for me. In Jesus' name! Amen.

Friday, March 27, 2015

How much Fat do the body need? Five foods to avoid that reduce body fat

A nice healthy body needs a healthy diet and nutrition. After spending years adjusting to the body you were born with, it is important to begin learning how the body can intake both negative and positive body fat. We should also know our health and strive to maintain a healthy body. Since women and men are indifferent to body types, they carry different absorption of body fat. A woman can give more body fat and be less affected than men. The female body needs more fat than males mainly because of ovulation. That leaves me with the question - how much body fat does a human body need daily? Although male and female bodies are different, and they intake different amounts of fat, majority of human bodies are recommended a 20 to 30 percent fat intake. This article outlines five foods to avoid, to reduce body fat and maintain a healthy body

Food low in fat

If you want to reduce belly fat, which is the area of the body most people have a problem in reducing, it is best to avoid low-fat foods. Some might think because the food is low in fat it is good to eat and brings little body fat to the body. That is not the case. Just because a food is low in fat does not mean it is low in calories. The body only needs a certain amount of body fat; therefore, it is important to take precautions regarding the amount of fat entering the body. Keep in mind that food labeled low-fat are the main food you need to be careful about. To ensure your body doesn’t intake too much fat per day here are a few tips to assist eliminating confusion.

Try to avoid taking a lot of foods like salad dressings, fat-free cream cheese, mayonnaise, cottage cheese, milk and margarine. These foods are not really considered low-fat because they do not meet the 30% cutoff number of calories to be considered low-fat. To understand the quantity of fat one must also understand the type of fat that is also important. Certain fats which the body intakes from whole food like sunflower seeds, nuts and fish mixed with oil are essential for a healthy diet.

Fat-releasing food


Everybody has heard the saying ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away.' Not only does an apple keep the doctor away it also helps the body reduce fat. The apple’s skin supports the body with weight reduction because it has pectin that helps the body absorb fat. When the apple assists the body to release fat, the fat is the binding property that is deposited after absorption of fat cells.


Hard boiled eggs have fatty acids and proteins mixed together that burns off fat. The inside of the hard-boiled egg called yolk is high in cholesterol but it not something to be stressed about.

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Word of wisdom: Living Your Passion

Passion serves its purpose to help give a person motivation to learn the necessary skills and overcome the hardships they're going to face. 

A passion for one's work makes life happier and work no longer work. Catherine Pulsifer

So try to pursue the very things that you are passionate about- that is the difference between good and great! Shawn Doyle

If there is no passion in your life, then have you really lived? Find your passion, whatever it may be. Become it and let it become you and you will find great things happen FOR you, TO you and BECAUSE of you. T. Alan Armstrong 

Making sure our goals are properly aligned with our passions only makes sense. Josh Hinds, from Are Your Dreams Aligned With Your Passions

A strong passion for any object will ensure success, for the desire of the end will point out the means. William Hazlitt 

All you need is passion. If you have a passion for something, you'll create the talent.. Yanni 

You have to have a passion for your work. How can we expect people to be passionate if you, as their coach, does not have a passion? Byron and Catherine Pulsifer, from More Common Traits of a Coach 

We can find passion in what we do, but it cannot be found in what you detest doing. Byron Pulsifer, Can You Define Your Passion

We are all capable if we have faith and passion. Yanni, fromYanni in Words 

The Passion that is so deep within that all we need to do is release the passion inside so that we become energized with a newness that all will want to share in. M. Lee

Today Message: Seek Not Man’s Approval

Compared to eternity
our lives are like a vapor
naked we come into this world
Naked we will go.
Forget taking your Rolex watch
when it’s time for you to go.
Many foolish and harmful desires
have plunged
many into ruins and destruction.
Let not the cares and worries
and man’s approval,
concerns for things of the world
bring choking bondage hard to let go;
but only Let not the cares and worries
and man’s approval,
concerns for things of the world
bring choking bondage hard to let go;
but only can disappoint
Seek not man’s approval or glory.
What glory can come from man?
Or even from relatives and friends
because they are only fleeting
and temporary
hollow and empty
that can vanish…
if you want to avoid painful disappointments,
it’s up to you.
A strong tendency to esteem highly
those most popular,
being so consumed by all
that is passing away
than seeking that which last and endure.
Like an oak tree,
don’t overextend your branches
or during a storm, find yourself
toppling over.
Why not seek after the real glory
the true, eternal, pure glory from above
that’s from everlasting to everlasting
like the angels glory you see
but even more glorious
where your treasure is, there your heart is
What is great gain?
Godliness with contentment
Develop a secret relationship
with your Creator
Making you positive in your thinking
Put yourself in a place
where you can touch eternity
If you have faith
as small as a mustard seed
you can move mountains.
This smallest seed when in God’s hand
has such power
even to bind the strongest demon
Knowledge and good behavior
are not good enough
If you lean on your own understanding
You will go astray
It’s God’s truth in your heart!
The love of truth
will keep you strong.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Today's Word of Wisdom: Energize your life!

God has created you to be a victor, not a victim. Jumpstart your day by celebrating the very best that God has for you! Pastor Joel & Victoria Osteen, Lakewood Church

Don't go through life, grow through life.

Each day can be the beginning of a new start. As we live our life, we have rewarding days as well as regretful days. However, through life’s challenges I learned to make my good days outweigh the bad days. There are two ways we can live: we can live emotionally and physically drain ourselves or we can live the way God intends us to live at peace even when a storm is around us, as though every day is our last. Everybody can’t have the pleasure of living the second choice because they do not know how to allow God to bring them to peace even when the storm surrounds them. I didn’t reach this decision overnight, but I learned that when life’s challenges get hard, live through it and grow through it.
I recommend that we remind ourselves each morning - nothing can stop the person who desires to succeed. Begin each day by looking at each obstacle as if it is a development of the achievement muscle. Remember, life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that we learn how to accept life’s challenges. Take a deep breath and allow life’s many challenges to bring out the best in you. Think about it - No matter what happens in our life, how many different challenges come our way, we get to choose whether to achieve and reach our goal or give in and be defeated. Remember, you're going to get tired, exhausted and drained. Often life will slap us in the face. I’m the first to acknowledge that when life gets hard, we can live through it, grow through it.
Sometimes we carry ideas of how we want to live our life until something comes along and redefines how we live our life. Sometimes it redefines life so much that it makes it appear as though living life is utterly hopeless. But you know what just because something seems to be broken doesn’t mean that it can’t be mended. Take the time to make sure you repair what broken by gathering scattered bits of life’s pieces and placing them together into the correct fit. This will resolve and rebuild the will to keep moving forward.
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Today Message: Following Jesus is more important than material gain

You cannot serve God & money Matt. 6: 24
Following Jesus is more important than material gain
My Life is Too Valuable to Waste Chasing Possessions
 My God, may I always remember that I am far more valuable than my possessions. May I always remember that my heart is more important than my external belongings which fade and rot?

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The hardest thing in life is to know which bridge to cross and which to burn?

Reaching an intellectual decision in life is not always easy. The sudden encounter with a dilemmatic situation often forces us towards a tough decision of choosing between burning a bridge and trying to mend it. Along the lane of the decision-making process, we often find our priorities misplaced. The distinction and the familiarity of the bridges we encounter in life often cohearse our thoughts in the process. Nonetheless, it is of great importance that we learn not to burn an already built bridge having used it to cross over into life and forgetting that a coin has two sides; the head and tail.
Never Burning Bridges – A Misconception
Who theorized the illegality of burning bridges? I thus present an opposition in regard to not burn a bridge in life. Through this travel of life, everyone needs to know and understand the bridges to keep and those to dispose. The indication drives to create a wall between you and the perilous characters in your life and hence burning down or destroying the unnecessary bridges. In short, the bridges, which lead to the tunnel, need to do away with lest it becomes your funeral during its destruction. The view of life should be through a windshield and not a rear view mirror because the true concept of the living is looking forward from the present and not backward.
Be who you are
One needs to create an allowance for his/her life to gain a pace in prioritizing the various life components in order to make sense on the bridges to destroy and those to keep. The destruction of bridges is irreversible with complete surety of the non-existence of a back road to the previous state. Since the burning of a bridge is a step at a time, the power to revitalize yourself is on you, with an additional complement of becoming your true self. The bottom-line is, the destruction of a bridge terminates all your connections to the previous world you used to dwell in, and even a quick glance at the past is uncalled for.
You are the final decision maker of your life as it is a grant to you and you alone, but in the process of making a decision, the timing should be of great importance when deciding when to burn and when not to burn a bridge. During the declaration of an important decision, it is you who calls the shot and most importantly, the control of your life decisions. The past is not a session of mourning as it is the past, and the present is a chance to create the future that glances upon a better past. The dilemma of burning or preserving a bridge needs to be the only task at hand. The difference needs to be now, lest you get stuck forever with the feeling of ‘did I do something wrong?’Your mind needs to have confidence towards the decisions you make lest you end up burying yourself in a bottomless pit. It is, therefore, wise to remember which bridge to burn and which bridge to preserve after you cross over needless be you end up regretting your decision.
Continue Reading: http://pammorris.hubpages.com/hub/httppammorrishubpagescomhubknow-which-bridge-to-cross-and-which-to-burn


When I pray, I always address my heavenly Father: Father, teach me to pray and teach me that my prayers can only be answered after the big pause of letting go. Also please help me forgive those who judge me, Dear Lord. May I remember that they do so only because they do not really know you or I and they are not aware of the beauty that every soul possesses by your Grace. 

Heavenly Father, I call on you right now in a special way.
It is through your power that I was created.
Every breath I take,
every morning I wake,
and every moment of every hour,
I live under your power.
Father, I ask you now to touch me with that same power.
For if you created me from nothing,
you can certainly recreate me.
Fill me with the healing power of your spirit.
Cast out anything that should not be in me.
Mend what is broken.
Root out any unproductive cells.
Open any blocked arteries or veins and rebuild any damaged areas.
Remove all inflammation and cleanse any infection.
Let the warmth of your healing love pass through my body
to make new any unhealthy areas
so that my body will function the way you created it to function.
And Father, restore me to full health
in mind and body so that I may serve you the rest of my life.
I ask this through Christ our Lord. In Jesus Name Amen.

What is the difference between Love and Friendship?

Love and friendship are two different terms but can be related to each other. Love is a warm feeling that brings emotional attachment towards a person in which only two individuals are involved. Friendship is voluntarily closeness in which an individual always tries to be there for the need that endure social relationship between two or more persons. An individual can have many friends where a person has one person they truly love. Most people know feeling of affection and solicitude towards a person, but do not know how to distinguish the difference between friendship and Love. Although friendship and Love can bring about confusion while explaining the two their a thin line that separates love from friendship or friendship from love.
A friend will always be there for another while a lover will give up everything just to be with another. A friend will wait for another for many hours before sharing complaints and ready to go while a lover will wait for another patiently for an eternity and not complain but worry with concern. Friendship and Love can sometimes give the same signals, but in reality there are so very differences. The most important difference is a friend think and share one day at a time with a friend while a lover think about each day, tomorrow and the future and think about planning the future with the one they love.
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Word of Wisdom:Let go of anger & look forward to better & brighter days

Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned Have a Blessed Wednesday morning!

Today Message: "A Fight for the Territory" (Don't let your pain STOP you from being who you are)

Sometimes we can become so engrossed with our pain, that we miss the point. Pain can traumatize you to the point where you can't think clearly, you can't reason, it becomes difficult to figure things out. You can have pain so deep that you lose your sense of self, your personality, you become a different person. Don't let your pain STOP you from BEING who YOU are! There is a purpose in your pain, reclaim your territory, get your stuff back! I pray that "your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard." (Isaiah 58:8) T.D. Jakes Ministries

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The Surprising Way I Found my True Love

We experience so many surprises during our lifetime and they are still occasionally so breath-taking that it is hard to realize how lucky we are. Most of us felt as if our hearts were taken from us in some cases. On the other hand, many people always have the good fortune in their corner. The point is that luck and lack of it are not on the opposites. Both of them are very specific entities that have different forms. Man can never comprehend how he falls in love, no one can teach us or tell us how this happens. The fact remains that the love is above everything and tramples all the obstacles in its way.
On life’s rocky road, succumbing to love both perplex us and makes us fortunate. I use the term ‘fortunate’ because people feel good in their skin and at peace with their soul. Consequently, this state was something that affected saints and commoners alike, and it persisted in their hearts no matter how long it lasted or how intensive it was. As the saying goes, love doesn’t care about years or skin color, or even our religious beliefs. Henceforth, individuals got rid of their social or religious views because loving someone for the entire life and being happy with them is the greatest gift we as people can receive and give.
Whoever is reading this, there is a big chance that you either love someone or that you are on a good track to do so. The main issue is, when and how to give yourself to this feeling. Second thing we wonder about is the place where we will find our soul mate and whether we will end up happily ever after. My love tale at first seemed more as a friendship, as something that will not bring any emotions, let alone love. In my case, it spread its wing and began flying.
While traveling from Abu Dhabi to Los Angeles, during a cold winter, a few things happened to me. One of them would make me the person which I am today and mold my existence and life path. I never stood out in a crowd and I never felt comfortable in a group of women; the courage that came from within me puzzles me to this day. Like every traveler that flies from time to time because of work, I waited for the airplane to ascend so I could kick back and relax in my seat. I was listening to music, my preferred playlist, as the plane soared into the sky. Something was amiss, but the air attendants were flawless. At one point, a classy lady that spoke English and Spanish approached me. I had a burning desire to speak Spanish because it looked so easy; this was a chance to learn some new phrases.
After she poured me my favorite wine, stewardess ran to the pilot and when she returned after some time, she behaved as if everything is in order, being cordial and polite although something seemed off. Something told me to ask for more wine and I signaled at the beautiful lady. She answered in a warm voice and whispered something to me. I was unaware of how a stewardess should behave if there were any rules of engagement, so I didn’t fret. I didn’t understand properly. My impatience got better of me and I was slowly losing my cool. I caught myself looking at her magnificent eyes as I lost track of time. She vanished in the back.
Continue Reading: http://pammorris.hubpages.com/hub/httppammorrishubpagescomhubThe-Surprising-Way-I-Found-my-True-Love

Learn How to Overcome Life’s Obstacles and Enjoy a Peaceful Life

Upon our creation, God did not have an empty and miserable life in mind for us. We are not made to live oppressed by obstacles that life is imposing. He wished for us to enjoy ourselves peacefully and in a calm fashion during our lifetimes. A life which we can enjoy the day today, which makes us at peace with everything around us, even in difficult times. God’s original idea was to make a world similar to exotic and lush garden. Unfortunately, as Adam and Eve committed a sin, the whole mankind was banned from the abundance the God had in mind for them. However, that does not have to mean end of serenity for us. When Jesus sacrificed himself on the cross for us and God let Him lose his life, this was all so we can have another opportunity for redemption and a joyful existence.
Each time the going gets tough, burden of the life weighs heavily upon our shoulders hindering our inherent potential as human beings; we don’t have to accept that as a rule of a law. Instead, we could find hope and solace in knowing that we have the power to fight and win against any calamity and secure ourselves a better tomorrow. When all is said and done, people tend to get fatigued from everyday tasks and choices that the life imposes upon them. Our lives are so hectic that we can’t spare any moment for our families or partners, for the things that we enjoy or that fulfill us as individuals. Planning our day carefully and making a list of things which we love to do can just be the right chance for us to embrace our happiness.
There is a simple, yet effective five-step process helping us achieve the state of mind that leads to serenity:
Faith without action is meaningless: Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead (James 2:17, NIV)
Do the correct thing and hope for the best: And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28 NIV)
Hold on to your beliefs: Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. (Mark 11:24 NIV)
Keep your thoughts pure, God is always watching: We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. (II Corinthians 10:5 NIV)
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Word of wisdom:"Feeling Short-Changed"

If you've been feeling short-changed in life, investing more than you get back, sowing more than you reap, faithful to people who are not faithful to you. Don't worry, God has not forgotten you, He's going to restore everything you didn't get. This is your season of restoration! The LORD will restore to you the years that the locusts, cankerworms, and palmerworms have eaten. (Joel 2:25) T.D. Jakes Ministries

Looking for the Perfect Pair of Jeans; How to choose the Perfect Pair of Jeans

Are you looking for a pair of jeans that you simply can’t do without? Is it that you are not ready to get rid of your old jeans, no matter how old or torn they are? Then fit is probably the most crucial factor while purchasing a new pair of jeans, and you should opt for jeans with a perfect fit. Here is a guide to finding the perfect pair of jeans. This guide will help you in figuring out the jeans that have been designed especially for you.
Simple tips to choose the right sort of jeans for women
The tall, slender women with a narrow waist should purchase a pair of jeans that has a lower waist with a little flare at the bottom. It helps accentuate a female with long legs
A short woman with broad hips should purchase jeans that are meant for short women and is called “Jo.” The hip portion of these jeans are spacious for the hips and make a short female look taller. Also, purchase jeans with a longer waist because they make short women look taller.
Skinny jeans are the perfect choice for slim women. Skinny jeans are very popular jeans, high in demand, and the best part is that they will go with almost anything.
When purchasing jeans I recommend that females of all sizes buy at least one pair of dark jeans because they are more versatile.
Useful tips to choose the perfect jeans for men

Men do not care as much for fashion as they mainly stress more on comfort when selecting their pair of jeans. To make sure you stay comfortable, look at the wash of the jeans. So wash of the jeans matter a lot to males as comfort is their priority. So they should look for jeans that will hold up to many different washes, and that will last a long time. Dark shades are for winter and fall while light colors are for summer.
Four factors to examine when choosing the perfect pair of jeans:
Factor #1 Price & Manufacturer
The price typically indicates the quality of jeans and the manufacturer means a lot to people who pay great attention to detail and care about style above everything else.
Factor #2Purpose to wear (Occasions)
It is extremely important to know when and where to wear jeans while selecting the perfect pair of jeans. One should also keep in mind jeans with a darker wash are more suitable at posh restaurants, workplace or trendy nightclubs, whereas lighter fades are worn more during the day and early evening.
Factor #3Fit& Style
When buying a new pair of jeans fit and style can be signified as the most vital factor. There are different fits for different body builds. The most standard fits are straight leg, low (narrow) waist, high (long) waist, boot cut, relaxed and slim fit/skinny. To make sure your jeans are a perfect fit, check that they’re at least a finger space in between the waist and waistband because this means it is a good fit.
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You have to live with the consequences of your decisions, so learn from your mistakes and think before you act

Decision-making requires an open approach that encompasses all aspects, an attitude that looks at every perspective and a broad vision that considers every possibility no matter how big or small it is. In short, there are neither shortcuts nor easy formulas for right decision-making.
So what does decision-making means? When we have to do something, but we are not sure of how, and what to do, we stand at the crossroads of decision-making. The key to making a wise decision is the ability to select the right course of action and ask the right questions. Once we figure out the right path, it becomes necessary for us to find out the meaningful answers to crucial questions for being able to make a wise decision. When it becomes a matter of our own lives, we need to gather up the courage to take decisions on our own. Is it possible to decide the best decision for us if we place the decision-making process in the hands of others? And if we place the right of decision-making in hand of others, for how long we can ask others to guide us for the right decision? Eventually, we have to learn making decisions by our own selves as the life is too long, and we cannot depend on others.
It is of pivotal importance that we keep a keen insight into right decision making in each choice we make. There are several aspects of our day to day lives wherein we need to select the best between various choices. What we want to be as an adult, a doctor, an engineer, a designer or a writer? What we have to study in school, science or arts? Which types of clothes are good for us, considering the society we live in besides the fashion and glamor?
Is it good for us to be single or having family will be better for us? What type of life partner should we have? Is it good to be in business or to work a job? Whether it is good to be an employee or an employer? What is best the choice in renting an apartment, getting house on mortgage or purchasing our own home on full payment? What should we eat for lunch? Whatever we choose it ultimately determines how we live and what kind of lives we should have.
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Today I pray your cup Over flows

Let Us Pray For One Another...

God I come lifting up all those I love, care about, all those who love and care about me, the writer of this prayer, and myself to you. I ask in Jesus' name that you will bless each of us with what we stand in need of. Supply all our need according to your riches and glory. Let us lack for nothing. Cause us to walk in love, power, and a sound mind. Bless us with much joy, peace, protection, strength, wisdom, knowledge, and understanding in Christ Jesus.

God do not let life cause us to become overwhelmed. Make us to lie down in green pastures. Lead us beside the still waters. Calm our mind, body, soul, and spirit. Cause us to rest in you. Restore our soul. Lead and guide us in the path of your righteousness for your name sake. Protect us as we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, let us fear no evil. Let us feel your presence at all times comforting us and letting us know that everything is going to be alright. Prepare a table before us in the presence of our enemies. Anoint our heads with oil. Bless us Lord Jesus abundantly. Let our cups run over with the blessings of the Lord. Cause us to prosper and be in excellent health. Let goodness and mercy go before us and follow us all the days of our lives. Cause us to dwell in the House of the Lord forever. Thank You, Thank You. Thank You Lord Jesus. Amen!

Encourager Linda Flagg, MA, LM, CS
Christian Life Coach & Youth Minister

How to know if you are a Fast-Food Junky and How to kick your Fast-Food Habit.

When it comes to physical addictions, most people, usually, think about alcohol, cigarettes, gambling, and drugs. After doing a lot of research, I learned that I too suffered the same addiction. Not the addition of an alcoholic or a drug user, but I discovered my addiction to fast food. I knew I had to stop being in denial and accept the fact before it turns late. I had to accept ultimately that I was a fast food junky.
The word ‘Junky’ is defined as ‘Someone who is hopelessly or ardently devoted to a controlled substance’. More often this ‘devotion’ resembles an addiction. It is not easy to recognize whether you are a fast-food junky or not, but once you have unleashed the secret, it’s time to have a reality check. There are several ways to know if you are a fast food junky: Does your morning routine include a fast food stop for breakfast on your way to work? Do you grab a quick bite from fast-food during your lunch break? Do you keep a packet of junk food at your desk or in your bag to munch on when hunger strikes? Do you pick up a fast-food item on your way home from work, so you don’t have to go home and make dinner? Does your mind always crave for the delicious fast-food you carelessly gobble up? If your answer to any or all of these questions is ‘yes’, it is hence proved that you are a fast-food junky.
Sticking on to this fast-food dominant routine can make your mind and body wholly dependent on a high-calorie diet. Now that your body is addicted to fast-food, you experience late night cravings that prompt you to get in your car and drive to the closest fast-food eat out. But being in denial of your persuasive addiction, you keep telling yourself that you are just getting something to eat to cope up with the hunger. I had all these signs. If you too experience most or all of these factors, then you are a fast-food junky by all means. My in-depth study of fast-food shows that continuous fast-food consumption has strong positive association with weight gain and insulin resistance, suggesting that fast-food addiction increases the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes. Through my experience, I have been able to deduce that breaking a food habit is not easy, but surely possible. It not easy because fast food is readily available, and some fast-food centers are open 24/7. In addition, fast food comprises primarily of unhealthy fats and calories, which are additive in nature.
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My Prayers for today (Prayer Request)

Lord, help me to spend the time I have in doing the things that matter most to you.

Lord, may I never pray out of hypocrisy, but out of truth, even if it shall reveal the darkness in my own heart.

Lord, remind me that there is only one thing I cannot sacrifice for another, and that is my SOUL

Learn Lessons from renting a car in a foreign Country

When traveling to a foreign country it is almost impossible to travel in your vehicle. However, this is mainly because of the strict methods most foreign countries have to reduce insecurity. Therefore in order for people to independently travel in foreign countries they have to look for alternative measures. The most convenient way to travel is to depend on the best car rental serviced available. In addition, it best to plan the trip and make arrangements well in advance.
After an ultimate disappointing weekend getaway, there are quite a few valuable lessons I learned about driving in a foreign country that most people might not know.
For many years, I thought renting a car in a foreign country is something as quick as swiping a credit card to pay your bills. However, the last trip I made to a foreign country was a hectic one especially when I needed a car to travel the country. I realized I was eternally mistaken to think that renting a car in a foreign country is something that only takes a few minutes just by paying the rental fees to rent a car quickly. Furthermore, the mentality I had that being an Americans citizen will guarantee me special treatment, oh what a big disappointment. It was a very nasty experience to be precise and as discussed from now on is what I had to go through.
If you want to rent a vehicle in a foreign country, it is a requirement to follow certain steps. Step that was obvious it was a “first” for me.
All Americans citizen are required to have a map, passport/visa, and US driving license
Well, back at home, I did not need a road map to get around the country or to visit any town or city; I know my way around. I did not need a passport either and sometimes I can get around traffic barricades without a driving license provided I am a resident. However, driving in a foreign country was a shocker. Being an Americans citizen, having a passport and US driving license was not enough. It was a requirement that I have a detailed map of the city as well. At some point, it became very difficult for me to drive because it was not easy to follow the traffic rules.
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Today Message: God is Heart

God listen to me when I’m losing it. Hug me when I’m hurting. Sit with me in silence when I’m sad. I don’t want someone who is looking to mold me or repair the damage done. I want someone to love me for who I am even at my lowest…

Monday, March 23, 2015

Word of wisdom: Everyday is a new beginning. Treat It That Way.

Every day is A New Beginning. Treat It That Way. Stay Away From What Might Have Been, And Look At What Can Be....
Have a Blessed Monday!!!

My Prayer for Today (Prayer Request)

My God, may I always remember that I am far more valuable than my possessions. May I always remember that my heart is more important than my external belongings which fade and rot.

The Advice I Would Give to My Younger Self If I Could

Growing up was particularly difficult for me. I was unable to play freely outside as other children were, and I developed poor self-esteem. The only two places I was truly free to go to were school and church. Do not misunderstand me, I love attending church and “don’t nobody” love God as much as I do. Being honest, however, it is not as much fun from the perspective of a young child. Because I spent most of my time inside, I had to find ways to entertain myself inside the house. I developed a very creative imagination.
By the time I reached middle school, I was learning how to interact with other children my own age. I began, slowly, to develop better self-esteem. I had the best mother you could ask for. She always paid attention to that developing self-esteem and always knew how to make everything better. She taught me to be conscientious about my appearance. She taught me how to fold my dress when I sat down. Most of all, she shared with me her wisdom. She taught me to “always love who and what you are.” I understood that it is great to love someone else, but it is even better when you love yourself.
I didn’t know then everything that I know today, but I always knew that someday I would have children. Now that I do, I want to be as patient and loving to them as my mother was with me. I want to be there for them in their times of need, just as my mother was there for me. I want to let them know that it will be okay when they feel afraid, and teach them to always take one day at a time so that life does not consume them.
As a child, we see life as fun and games, rather than as it really is. As an adult, I have learned that life is really like a boomerang. We throw our best effort out there and nobody really knows how it will return. Most people hope life will bring them an attractive spouse with money, a nice big house, and a nice big car. Sometimes, though, that is not what the boomerang brings back. Life doesn’t work that way. Life is what we make of it.
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Life is like a Jigsaw Puzzle Which Can Only Fit Together by Walking on the Path Laid Out by God

As we begin life journey there are so many different paths we have to travel. So it’s best we start planning accordingly on which specific path to follow to gain instant success. Moreover, various aspects of life often appear to be so many puzzle pieces to us and in life’ puzzle pieces it can be very hard to figure out where to place the pieces. Often this makes us shuffle and reshuffle those puzzles to get a proper answer. By continuous shuffling, we place those mysteries of life in the right places and in the end get an answer to each of those which appeared to be a puzzle at one point of life.
Although life’s puzzle starts when the first piece is put in place and the puzzle pieces are sort by colors. After working on different sections of the puzzle and can’t find the piece to complete that particular section. Hours and hours of shuffle and shuffle the pieces trying to fit can be very frustrating. After shuffling the pieces finally, the pieces start to fall into place.
Diverse phases of life create lots of puzzles in life. Each part of life’s puzzle represents life’s experience: loss of first tooth, first day of school, graduation, first job, first true love, first born, first car, first new home, and day commit to God, first vacation etc. We go on adding mysteries and puzzle pieces to the each day of our lives. We gather the pieces of the puzzle to life each day we live, it’s not easy to see how to fit each piece together. Some people start the puzzle by doing the outside pieces first, some start in the middle, some start from the bottom and the other starts from the top, while some start with the edges me I just take one piece at a time. I learn patient is a virtue and life experience is a guide to adulthood and a new way of life. In addition, it’s a roadmap toward growth and a real and lasting life.
Continue Reading: http://pammorris.hubpages.com/hub/httppammorrishubpagescomhubLife-is-like-a-Jigsaw-Puzzle

Today Message: New Day, New Beginning, look forward to the promising day that lies ahead

Morning signifies a new beginning. So this morning starts by forgiving yourself for all the mistakes you made yesterday and look forward to the promising day that lies ahead of you. Have a good Monday morning!