Thursday, April 9, 2015

Word of wisdom: Don' t let your problem get the best of you, your problem serves a purpose

God puts your deliverance in a place that would cause you to humble yourself. Your pride is standing in the way of your destiny. You care more about your image then your deliverance. 

"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you. Not the peace of the world. Let not your hearts be troubled and neither let it be afraid." (John 14:27) God has freely given His peace to help us endure the troubles, the heartaches and pain in the midst of chaos...Find peace within, despite the confusion and turmoil that surrounds us in the world today. Seek the peace of God which passes all understanding thru the word, prayer & worship. He promised if you keep your mind stayed on Him, He will keep you in perfect peace! (Isaiah 26:3)

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