Sunday, April 5, 2015

There is a purpose for every person we meet

Do you believe that everyone we meet was destined to be in our life? Well, there is a purpose for every person we meet. Some will come into our life to test us. Some will come into our life to have us available as their convenience and so they can use us. Some will come in our life so smoothly and they will be in our life to teach us life’s experiences. But of all the people we meet, we are destined to meet someone special who knows how to bring out the best in us. Therefore, I do believe everyone we meet is destined to be in our life. There is a purpose for every person we meet.
I am a strong believer that destiny decides who we meet in life, but it’s only us that can decide who gets to stay in our life. Therefore, never regret knowing someone because although bad people bring unhappiness in our life they also give experience, and good people are there to bring happiness in our life. Think about it - the bad people who enter our life always teach us a lesson; and the good people are there to bring us good memories. Although sometimes the people we think we want in our life are not always the people we need in our life, but if we use it as a lesson, the bad can turn into what can bring the best in our life. So we should let go of the bad, let it pass and move on.
In life, you'll realize that this is a journey, filled with what we create of it. Life brings hardships, many experiences, heartaches, amazing joys, and most of all memorable people that we can enjoy many good times with in life. Life is not a rose garden; it is more of a bumpy road that will not be smooth. As we travel this journey called life, as we live and experience life, we will encounter good times as well as bad times. It is up to us to make sure the good days outweigh the bad days. Don’t bury your head in the sand and stop living because you met a bad person. Remember there is a purpose for every person you meet in life.
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