Sunday, April 5, 2015

Today Prayer: Prayer when Facing a Difficult Decision

Oh Holy Spirit, Christ sent you to us for comfort and guidance when He ascended to heaven, and I ask that you be with me now. I have to make a decision and I turn to you, for even though I have made mistakes in the past, I have faith in you and truly desire that "thy will be done." Help me to empty my mind of all sinful motivation and speak to me, in the quietness of spirit, I pray. Give me grace to lead me in the path of the right decision, one that will help me to live in peace and happiness, but above all, one that will serve you, and one that I will look back upon, when my life is drawing to a close, with gratitude and thanks that I did the right thing.
(Sit quietly and listen. If your thoughts intrude, simply repeat "thy will be done" quietly.)

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