Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Word of wisdom: Life and Decision Making

In life, we are confronted with the need to make decisions on a daily basis. Some will only be matters of personal preference that will not impact our life in a significant way—matters such as “What clothes will I wear today?” or “What will I eat for lunch?” or “Which movie I want to watch?”

However, major life decisions have long-term consequences that will affect our happiness and life altogether. A decision such as, should I attend college or what career path should I pursue? Who do I want to marry? Should I purchase a home or rent an apartment/townhome? Because these types of decisions can affect us for the rest of our lives, they require proper consideration, in addition to seeking knowledge and wisdom.

Life demands that we make the best decisions possible, to ensure that our lives are happier and that we can have peace of mind. But making the right decisions is not a matter of luck or chance. It’s not a coin toss. If we make the wrong decision we will have to live with the effects of it for a long time—and, in most cases, a lifetime! Making positive choices is a matter of knowing and applying certain keys. Therefore when we are at a loss of want to do, it best to do nothing. Allow ourselves to think and have a clear mind before making a decision.

When we pause and do nothing we can pray to God to become more aware of what to do next and often after praying God will give us an unexpected solution to our decision we prayed and sought to solve. The Bible is an Instruction Manual that contains those keys, inspired by one who is in search of knowledge and wisdom. So let’s look into this manual to learn these guidelines along with prayer we will be on the right path to making the best decision possible in life. Better decision mean a happier and healthier you.

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