Friday, July 31, 2015

Useful Tips to Overcome Sleep Addictions

Oversleeping is a problem that everyone face from time to time, but with the right tips and techniques you can eliminate the habit of oversleeping from your life forever. If oversleeping has become a major issue in your life where you have little to no control over your sleep pattern it is time to handle it like a real addiction.
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Word of wisdom: We have no right to wish for more, until we fully appreciate what we already have.

We have no right to wish for more until we fully appreciate what we already have: It's not the amount that matters, but the blessings you are able to receive from it. A slice of stale bread gives more to the beggar than a new house to the rich. Everything you have has unending blessings for you hidden inside, - learn to receive them and appreciate them.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

How to Spring Clean & DeClutter Your Life for a New You

When you find yourself face with mountains of problems and wondering how to go about dealing with all of life’s issues; the big question is how to go about doing it? Excessive clutter is often a symptom that turns into stress and depression that is a disease that renders you to grow old fast.

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words of wisdom: Communication, focus and always say the right thing

Communication is one of the most important skills you require for a successful life. To be an effective communicator, you must focus on all aspects of your communication, not just the words you say, which might be only 10% of your entire message. Also, focus on Poor body language which can sink even the most cleverly worded statement.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The Advice I Would Give to My Younger Self If I Could

Growing up was particularly challenging for me. I was unable to play freely outside as other children were, and I developed poor self-esteem. The only two places I was truly free to go to were school and church. Do not misunderstand me, I love attending church and “don’t nobody” love God as much as I do. Being honest, however, it is not as much fun from the perspective of a young child. Because I spent most of my time inside, I had to find ways to entertain myself inside the house. I developed a very creative imagination.
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Words of wisdom: It’s time to STOP going through the motions of living, and START living.

It’s time to STOP going through the motions of living, and START living: Are you willing to do that now? Or are you going to wait until all life energy drains out of you and your loved ones who are trying to support you at this very moment? You were not born to just go through the motion of living. Start living, living starts with dreaming. So dream, dream friend, and let dreams show you the path to your bliss.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

What Children Experience and How to Focus on teaching them to Enjoy the Experience of a Childhood?

Childhood is one of the most memorable times in everyone’s childhood. Some people have good and positive experiences with their childhood while some of the people have the worst experience with it. 
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Word of wisdom: Life and Decision Making

In life, we are confronted with the need to make decisions on a daily basis. Some will only be matters of personal preference that will not impact our life in a significant way—matters such as “What clothes will I wear today?” or “What will I eat for lunch?” or “Which movie I want to watch?”

However, major life decisions have long-term consequences that will affect our happiness and life altogether. A decision such as, should I attend college or what career path should I pursue? Who do I want to marry? Should I purchase a home or rent an apartment/townhome? Because these types of decisions can affect us for the rest of our lives, they require proper consideration, in addition to seeking knowledge and wisdom.

Life demands that we make the best decisions possible, to ensure that our lives are happier and that we can have peace of mind. But making the right decisions is not a matter of luck or chance. It’s not a coin toss. If we make the wrong decision we will have to live with the effects of it for a long time—and, in most cases, a lifetime! Making positive choices is a matter of knowing and applying certain keys. Therefore when we are at a loss of want to do, it best to do nothing. Allow ourselves to think and have a clear mind before making a decision.

When we pause and do nothing we can pray to God to become more aware of what to do next and often after praying God will give us an unexpected solution to our decision we prayed and sought to solve. The Bible is an Instruction Manual that contains those keys, inspired by one who is in search of knowledge and wisdom. So let’s look into this manual to learn these guidelines along with prayer we will be on the right path to making the best decision possible in life. Better decision mean a happier and healthier you.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Jamie Foxx one of America's Most talented Entertainer Alive

This Award-winning American comedian had a childhood that was a mixture of sweet and bitter experiences. Foxx was born on 13th December 1967 as Eric Bishop in Terrell, Texas, a town that had a population of about fourteen thousand. He was born to a very young couple, Shaheed Abdulla, and Louise Annette Talley, who soon got overwhelmed by the demands and responsibility of parenthood due to their extremely young ages. When Foxx was seven months old, he was adopted by his mother's parents Mr. and Mrs. Talley. Mrs. Talley had very strong influence on him, and the great entertainer gives his grandmother credit for inspiring him in life. According to Foxx, in his interview with Josh Tyrangiel of Time, his grandmother adopted him at 60. She had a nursery school she was running and maintained a nice library at home. She saw her grandson's early interest in books and believed he was intelligent enough to achieve great feats and reach great heights in life. Continue reading:

Prayer for today:

Dear God I just want to say THANK YOU for another day. Watch over my family and friends today. Bless us in a wy we've never known before  Amen

Words of Wisdom: Only through the love of God we can understand life.

Only through the love of God we can understand life: Reading and thinking and talking can show the direction to God, but only opening your heart in love and surrender can lead to God. What better way to love God than to love the miracles of God's creations. Look and you shall see miracles everywhere.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Chosen Vessels of God Whitney Houston & Michael Jackson

Being a chosen vessel of God would require you to know your identity and abilities to serve your purpose in His plan. The problem many chosen vessels face is the lack of knowledge about their own identity and abilities. Continue reading:

Word of Wisdom: We are all beautiful in our own way

You are just as beautiful as you feel. We are all beautiful in our own way: Mirrors are fickle, a play of light and shadow. The only true mirror is within yourself. Clear your mind of doubt and prejudice, and you will see yourself as God sees you - Beautiful.

Friday, July 24, 2015

"Beautiful things happen in our life when we detach ourselves from all negative things"

Negative energy comes in countless shades of darkness and can be found almost anywhere. Anyone can be easily affected by negative energy. Is there negative energy in your life? Or are you just lacking joy? Are you a person who always complains about life?
Well, some things in life are beyond our control and complaining doesn’t help at all. Great things happen to people who learn how to deal with life’s challenges. Also, beautiful things happen in our life when we detach ourselves from negative things. Continue Reading:

Word of wisdom: Moments are what shape and define our lives, so take advantage when the moment come

“Moments are what shape and define our lives; they determine who and where we are today, where we want to go in the future. Through relationships or life, the moments define what kind of person or friends you want in your life. It's the moments that you win or lose, the moments that someone makes you feel happy or sad, the moments, the pictures, vacations, events, the encounters that you will always remember, the unforgettable 1st's that you remember & sometimes hold on to forever, they are all moments. Live for the one moment upon you, for it can change your life forever so make the best of it. Life is short, so don't go another day, hour or minute and regret a moment that could have changed your life!"Alvin T. Cavalier (U.S.Army)--- New York

Thursday, July 23, 2015

A Different Perspective

I used to be so young and so naive that I listened to and believed everything family and friends said.
But now, I’ve grown up and am wiser — I really listen, as well as look at people’s actions each day.
I used to allow family and friends to influence me on what to do and how to live my life.
But now, I stop just existing — I began living, not listening to influence and give out good advice.
I used to put myself last just to make sure family and friends needs as well as wants were met.
But now, I am loving and take care of me — I am striving to get control over my out-of-control debts. 
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Word of wisdom for today: you can't pretend to be what you not

Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian, any more than standing in your garage makes you a car.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Signs and Symptoms of Similar Types of Addiction & How to Over Come

Although many takes the term “addiction” lightly, we are living in a world where a significant percentage of us have an excessive amount of addiction. What is an addiction? An addiction is something that a person is not able to control despite the made efforts. When it comes to addictions, most people think of habits such as nicotine, alcohol or drug dependence. However, there is a numerous amount of addictions that people have no control over, addictions such as sex, eating, TV, social networking, shopping, etc. Continue Reading:

Words of Wisdom:When you are at a loss of what to do, do nothing.

When you are at a loss of what to do: Doing nothing can be sagacious. When you pause doing things, you become more aware of God's presence, and often an unexpected solution to your question will arise.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Choices Have Consequences: Free to Make Choices for our actions, but not free from the Consequences of our Decisions.

More often than not, it is said that choices have consequences. The big question is; does this assertion stand or hold any meaningful truth? Well, while we are free to make choices for our actions, we are not free to control the consequences of our actions. 
I honestly believe God created us as human beings not just to exist but also live happily by using all the necessities made available at our disposal for fulfillment and enjoyment. As humans, we have the discretion to choose the way we want to live our life. We were created with a mind free to choose. God created man and woman with the freedom to choose and also gave them the moral ability to determine how such daily choices will shape their destiny. This reaffirms that we are free to choose our actions, but we are not free from the consequences of your decisions. Continue Reading:

Today's Prayer: To Love One Another

Lord, we pray that we learn how to love one another. We pray that you will be their care, sustain them, guide them, and carry them, as they give their time, money and life for the benefit of others. We pray that we might have the strength and love to lighten their load.
Jesus said, "Love One Another".
But we think politeness is enough.

We politely smile or say hello. We exchange pleasantries and discuss the weather. We tolerate each other, sometimes even shaking hands or exchanging kisses on the cheek. We pass the peace, but not the love.
Lord, we are guilty of reserving love for our family and closest friends, but keeping the rest of the world safely distant.
We pray that we can break down the barriers, and we begin to love one another - enemy, friend or acquaintance. As we leave today, lift the veil that covers our eyes and our hearts - that we might see all as your children. May the Holy Spirit fill our hearts with love, and our eyes with tears of joy. May we enfold all we meet today with your love, and may each meeting be as a meeting of oldest and dearest friends. In Jesus Name, Amen

Word of Wisdom: The world is warmer with your inner light shining.

When you shine your light, you encourage others to do the same and your life becomes surrounded by the warmth and love of those you share a path with.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Close the Doors that Cause Pain, Anger and Suffering & Open the ones that will Bring Inner Peace found in Jesus Christ

Living in a modern society exposes our lives to an excessive amount of stress. This tremendous amount of stress in our lives tends to drain all our positive energy. It drains to the point that even if we are waiting to find real peace, it still has the propensity to become more like trying to find a way to escape a hot dry up desert.
Everyone needs inner peace and happiness in their lives, and the ability to learn how to gain inner peace and happiness, a life without anxieties, stress or worries. To find inner peace we must be able to reject the thoughts that we do not want, close the doors that cause us pain, anger and suffering and open the ones that will bring inner peace that is found in Jesus Christ.
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Today's Prayer: Peace in Home

I pray that your home would be a place for you to rest and feel safe. May any chaos or negativity or fear be gone and may God’s peace fill your home, in Jesus’ name Amen

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Today Prayer: A Prayer to Begin the Day

As morning breaks, I thank you, O Lord, for another day and my desire, is to serve you joyfully. With gladness, I consecrate this day to Your Sacred Heart and offer whatever joys and sacrifices may come my way. Thank You for the graces you will send - all the love, all the beauty, and the ways you will answer my prayers. Today, may I love my enemies, and treat others as I would ask to be treated; may I forgive seventy-times-seven and show mercy; may I welcome the prodigal, have compassion for the Samaritan; be a peace-maker and love my neighbor unconditionally. Take all my heart, and mind and strength, O Lord, that this day may be lived for your greater honor and glory and the salvation of souls. In Jesus Name,  Amen. 

Searching for Love already available on the Internet Updated on July 13, 2015

He spent his life on the Internet. Sara was tired of hearing the tap, tap of his computer. She wanted to feel loved, to feel needed, but she wasn’t going to get his attention while he was locked away in the office with that dang computer. There was only one thing for her to do, and that was to get a computer herself. She would find someone online that would love her, need her, give her attention and who would listen to her. There were plenty of websites for finding love  
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Today Message: God is there in the midst of the chaos

God is there in the midst of the chaos: When everything in life turns upside down, remember that you are in the hands of the Creator. Look to God, and you'll always know which way is up.